the weapon which you need

why not use the weapon to get freedom?

time is the powerful weapon you have to get freedom in life. If you learn how to use it, you’ll gain freedom. You know, if you don’t use it correctly, you’ll become a slave to others in your life.

Back in the day, I was wasting all the time in the day. To whom I’m living, I became a slave for them because they knew I didn’t have anything to do. so they get the chance to use me. It’s my fault for not using the weapon, which I’ve Once I stop using my weapon, other people start using it in my place. The weapon is my time, and time is my life.

Time is the only asset in your life. If you use it correctly, it will yield a good return. The more you use your time, the more it becomes valuable, and vice versa. Once you start spending time on your studies, time starts becoming valuable for you. You start caring for it and stop wasting it.

You learn to use your weapon by using it. You can’t master it without using it. So start using your weapon in the right place before it is taken by you. Once it was gone from you, it became hard to get it back. Getting the area back into territory is a hard job. so protect it before it is taken away. use every way to protect it.

once you know how to use it and start using it. People around you will notice that you are protecting your waron. They will start respecting you. They will start to respect your time, but first, you have to respect your time.

In order to expect respect from someone else, you first need to respect yourself. same for time; once you start respecting your priorities and time, people will automatically respect your time.

Once upon a time, my friends called me, “Hey, be ready, for tomorrow we are going to picnic!”. It’s simply an order from my boss because I’ve had so much time and they know that’s why they ordered me instead of asking for permission, “Are you free for tomorrow?” Now, whenever they call me, “they ask me, are you free tomorrow so that we’ll plan on going to a picnic?” Now they give me a choice. Now it’s in my hands to decide whether to go or not.

That’s what we all want. freedom for choice, freedom for everything. It all started with using the weapon. It is legal to use the wason of time.

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