are you stucked? do it for 1 decade!

In order to start I was always thinking what should I write?

How can I write about anything? Even I’m not expert in anything.

learning is in-finate, so write what you know.

The more you know anything the more you think that you don’t know anything. You can call this wisdom or self dount which comes with knwoledge.

In order to write something, everytime you don’t have to come with the perfect peice and show to the world. Sometime you just have to write anything which you already know. Many peoples are around you who don’t know these things yet.

As an ameautre, just come with the idea of writing and start writing from today. Once you’ll get the momentum then you can plan what should I now write. But without having momentum what you will do with your idea. you don’t know how the excute your idea yet becuase you never did it before.

I also changed my apprach toward the writing. I’ll write what comes to my mind till the next year. with time I’ll improve it. till that I’ll do only one thing, which is just write.

Simple advice is, come at the same time and start writing about whatever problem you are facing or whatever problem you just solved. Share it to the world, the world will automatically find you one day.

I know you get the doubt how will world find me in this digital competation era where all the experts are doing the same work of writng whic I’m going to do. Remeber there all come from this track. They all did the same way. The road belogs to all of us.

when you were a student, did you ever thought that I should not study because the world is full of educated persons. how can I compete with them? Never! right. because you knwo that this is the way of becoming the good educated person. you know that you don’t have to compete with teachers even you can take the help of them towards your growth.

Day by day, week by week, you learn more and more and you’ll improve more and more. Think it in the way if you do the same work for 10 years where you will be? How much progress you will attain in 1 decade. I’m sure youll be a great writer if you continue your writing journey for 1 decade.

that’s it.

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